
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Neon Space Rainmeter Theme Updated 2015

Neon Space Rainmeter Theme Updated 2015

Read through to get every thing working perfect Skin has been updated!!
IF you like the feel of texts scrolling on your screen, the feel of 3D and the Glassy effets 
 Then this skin is specialy for you. 
I realized lately that the fonts didnt display properly on some PCs,I have included the fonts i used in the skin now they are in the skin directory under resources. If you have already downloaded the skin and the skin fonts dont display as in the preview and you dont want to download the whole skin again , then get the fonts here  [Fonts]  extract and copy them to your fonts directory but if you have MS office or Photoshop, you should already have all the fonts

1-Need to get rainmeter LINK
2-This skin is available for most screen resolutions
3-Wallpapers found in skin directory 
4-Displays many functions  
5-I think i will still develop features for this skin like google feed, better weather display etc
6-I wanted to add a media player but found that the Alexi skin of Xion media player suits well with this skin
7- There are other features of this skin which are not in the preview above
8-Think of changing the weather codes to your location code under the edit section/variables.
9-worked hard on this one Realy hope you appreciate
10-This skin has a slide down power control on the top bar i used the slide down technic by esnooze on emini,
credits for that..
11- The wallpaper is from OGame a legendry online space game.
12-Get your weather code for the bottom left skin  from here, you type your city in the  search bar and copy the code from the adress bar, 
the top right bar is from, same process.

 Download Link 

Click Here [Size : 15 MB]

Updated to Version 1.1 
New features include
-Centonium core which is a clock,The 12 bars measures the hour once they glow,
the bar below measures seconds and the round line at the right end measures minuites.. 
-Inter galactic portal included, just an animated jump Gate..optional..
-User dna version 2.0..optional too..

some minor errors fixed too such as
- right corner bar cpu for small res
-atom which used to be a launcher dont launch any more
-same for the tiny text on the right corner skin
-name of launcher corrected
-radar available for small res
-map available for small res..optional..
-same for the kepler belt...optional..

visit link download

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